It is impossible to determine if you are a candidate for a dental bone graft in Sandwich, MA, without undergoing a thorough examination with an oral surgeon. However, you may still want to learn the risk factors for lower jawbone density, the bone graft process, and potential alternatives, before your first consultation.
Risk Factors for Lower Bone Density
What are some of the biggest risk factors associated with having reduced bone density in your jaw? Some of the most common include:
Missing Teeth: When you have had missing teeth for a long time, your bone begins to go through a process where it becomes reabsorbed into the body.
Jaw Trauma: Did you experience trauma to your jawbone at any point in your life? The outcome may be areas of weak bone.
Long-Term Nicotine Use: If you smoked nicotine products or chewed tobacco for many years, you may be more likely to have low bone mass in your jaw.
General Osteoporosis: Do you suffer from osteoporosis in other parts of your body? You may find that the osteoporosis has affected the strength of your jawbone, too.
Crooked Teeth: Misaligned teeth can lead to thinning bone.
Anabolic Steroid Use: Some evidence points to a correlation between the use of anabolic steroids and low bone density.
Untreated or Unmanaged Gum Disease: People with gum disease that has not been managed or treated almost always face the possibility of low bone density.
Exposure to Radiation: Did you require radiation to a part of your jaw? The area may no longer have the supportive bone structure to stabilize the placement of a dental implant.
The only way to tell if you have a strong enough jawbone to receive dental implants right now is through diagnostics like x-rays.
What If You Need a Dental Bone Graft in Sandwich, MA?
Perhaps you went through your first examination with an oral surgeon and learned what you suspected: You should have a dental bone graft before considering dental implant placement. Yes, this can be tough to hear. Nevertheless, it gives you the opportunity to reverse the damage and restore the health of your mouth.
Bone graft procedures have been perfected and are safe when performed by a highly trained oral surgeon like Dr. William F. Lane. During your procedure, Dr. Lane will place grafting material from you or a donor source at the site of your bone loss. Over time, the grafting material will fuse with the surrounding bone and create a strong foundation for your future dental implants.
Are There Dental Bone Graft Alternatives?
Feeling unsure if a dental bone graft in Sandwich, MA, is right for you? You may have enough bone to support a dental implant treatment like All-on-4®. The All-on-4 protocol can be a way to skip the bone graft and gain all the advantages of an instant, functional smile. Not everyone is a candidate for All-on-4, of course. However, it can be a viable solution.
Want to know more? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lane at Lane Oral Surgery by calling (508) 888-8898 for our Sandwich office or (508) 746-8700 for our Plymouth office.