How Can Full Arch Dental Implants Benefit Me In Plymouth, MA?

a picture of what full mouth dental implants look like with the dental implant posts inside a dental implant model and the dental prosthetic hovering over the dental implantsSome people have lost all or most of their teeth in their upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws. Others are tired of dealing with all the problems that come from wearing removable dentures. For people who want to stop struggling with teeth that keep failing or need to be extracted, they can finally move […]

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry In Plymouth, MA?

a dental patient using oral sedation for her sedation dentistry method before her dental procedure.Some people start to feel a little uneasy at the mere mention of going to the dentist. Others have trouble sitting still for dental appointments due to general anxiety or an unpleasant reminder of an uncomfortable dental experience from their past. Patient’s can avoid these responses by working with a doctor who offers sedation dentistry […]